Europos ligų prevencijos ir kontrolės centras kviečia dalyvauti vanados trukmės nuotoliniame tarptautiniame seminare "ŽIV ir susijusių ko-infekcijų testavimo tobulinimas bendrojoje praktikoje", kuris vyks kovo 21d.
Registracijos nuoroda ir papildoma informacija- laiške žemiau.
Programa ir papildoma informacija ČIA (anglų kalba)
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), which is an agency of the European Union, will be offering a 1 hour webinar on ‘Improving testing for HIV and related co-infections in general practice’ on 21 March from 15:00-16:00 CET. The objectives of the webinar are for physicians and nurses working in general practice/primary care to have:
Increased understanding of common HIV indicator conditions and co-infections such a viral hepatitis, STIs and tuberculosis;
Increased knowledge of existing integrated testing guidance, including indicator guided testing for HIV, and why this is important;
An understanding of how to implement indicator guided testing in practice.
The webinar will be delivered in English by ECDC in collaboration with European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS). More information can be found in the attached Scope and Purpose document, and soon, on this ECDC Virtual Academy (EVA) page.
Please feel free to share this information and the registration link ( with relevant individuals and networks that you work with within your country. Many thanks in advance for your consideration of doing so and please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions.
Janelle Sandberg, on behalf of the Sustainable Development Goal Disease Group at ECDC