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PSO, TST, ENSAAF webinaras: Ateities slaugytojų ir akušerių rengimas - iššūkiai ir galimybės

Informacija apie webinarą pasidalino partneriai iš Tarptautinės slaugytojų tarybos (TST), Europos slaugytojų asociacijų federacijos (ESAF) bei Europos nacionalinių slaugytojų ir akušerių asociacijų forumo (ENSAAF) prie PSO.

Webinaro tikslai:

-Didinti informuotumą apie pagrindinius iššūkius teikiant kokybišką išsilavinimą;

- Pateikti slaugos ir akušerijos mokymo pertvarkos pavyzdžius;

- Aptarti nacionalinių slaugytojų ir akušerių asociacijų vaidmenį įgyvendinant PSO Globalias slaugos ir akušerijos strategines kryptis (GSDNM).

Webinaras vyks anglų kalba. Visa informacija ir registracijos nuoroda- žemiau.

WHO Euro Roadmap to Guide Implementation of the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery in Europe 2021-25

Educating the Future Nursing and Midwifery Workforces – Challenges and Opportunities

January 25th, 2023, 1400h-1600h CET

The WHO Regional Office for Europe Nursing and Midwifery team, the European Forum of National Nurses and Midwives Associations (EFNNMA) and the European Federation of Nurses (EFN) invite nurses, midwives and policy makers to this webinar focusing on Education of the future nursing and midwifery workforces. Challenges to delivering quality nursing education include the nursing and midwifery shortage of nurses, ensuring relevance of education to current and future health challenges and the transformation of healthcare to deliver UHC through primary healthcare.

The new WHO Euro Roadmap for Nursing and Midwifery was developed to guide implementation of the WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery in our region. It lays out a 5-year blueprint for strengthening health and care in the WHO European Region by enabling the contribution of nurses and midwives themselves. The WHO GSDNM includes strategic directions in four key areas of development for the nursing and midwifery workforces: Education, Jobs, Leadership and Service Delivery.

National nursing and midwifery associations are critical stakeholders to be engaged in the education of the next generation of nurses and midwives.

The purpose of this webinar is to:

- Raise awareness of key challenges to providing quality education

- Present examples of transformation of nursing and midwifery education

- Reflect on the role of national nurses and midwifery associations in the implementation of the GSDNM.

  • Who is driving the process in your country?

  • How is national nurses and midwives associations in the region engaged in dialog with the ministries of education and health?

  • How can your NNA/NMA as key stakeholders increase your impact on health and educational policies?

Webinar III theme – GSDNM 2021-2025 – Education

Educating the future nursing and midwifery workforces – Challenges and Opportunities

Date: January 25th, 2023, 1400h-1600h CET (Geneva time)

Platform: Zoom platform of the CNAI, Italian Nurses Association, President Walter de Caro

Partners: WHO Euro Nursing & Midwifery Team, EFNNMA, EFN

Organizing committee: Karen Bjøro, Mervi Jokinen, Jose Cobos Serrano, Elizabeth Adams, Natalia Serebrennikova, Walter de Caro, Maggie Langins

Sign up for the webinar through this link:


1400-1405 Welcome

Mervi Jokinen, Acting President, EFNNMA

1405-1415 Welcome

Maggie Langins, WHO Euro Policy Advisor for Nursing and Midwifery, WHO Euro

Regional Office

1415-1435 Educating the future midwifery workforce – Challenges and Opportunities

Grace Thomas, Head of Health Professions, Director of WHO Collaborating

Centre for Midwifery Development, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

1435-1455 Student learning in clinical practice – optimizing the clinical learning experience

Dr Katri Manninen, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

1455-1510 Modernizing Nursing Education in Kazakhstan

Ainagul Nauruzbaeva, Chief Expert of the Nursing Development Department of

the Department of Science and Human Resources, Ministry of Health, Republic of


1510-1515 Qualment – a project to develop competence of clinical mentors

Flores Vizcaya and Rosa Marie Pérez Cañaveras, University of Alicante, Spain

1515-1600 Discussion: Quality of Nursing Education from perspective of key stakeholders:

  • Benedicte Molnes, president, European Nursing Student Association (ENSA)

  • Valentina Sarkisova, President, Russian Nurses Association

  • National Midwifery Association president, TBD

Informacija apie renginį MS Word formatu ČIA.

Karen Bjøro, RN, MSN, PhD

Chair of the Organizing Committee



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